
Unconference Session at the iEARN Conference


Cornelia Platon

"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" High School Dej, Romania, iEARN Romania

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Cornelia Platon

My name is Cornelia Platon, and I am a teacher of English and educational counselor at “Alexandru Papiu Ilarian” High School in Dej, Romania. I have a master’s degree in Educational Management. I am iEARN coordinator for Romania and I used to be Adobe Youth Voices program manager in Romania for several years. I have been involved in iEARN, Adobe Youth Voices, ThinkQuest, eTwinning, ASEF, Comenius/Erasmus projects for many years. 

I attended many national and international conferences and seminars focused on the use of new technologies to engage youth worldwide in collaborative project-based learning. I have co-facilitated the Teaching of Foreign & Second Languages online iEARN professional development course, focused on equipping educators with the technical, collaborative and organizational skills needed to integrate online collaborative projects into curriculum. I am also an AYV Lead Educator and I co-facilitated the AYV professional development course, focused on training educators in digital media production and storytelling. In 2015 I was selected to receive the Adobe Youth Voices Creative Educator Award.

I have been facilitating the “Folk Costumes Around the Globe” iEARN project since 1997 and it has been a successful project with a large participation from over 60 countries during these years.

Laura Nietzer

Saddle River Day School

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Laura Nietzer

Laura has been a member of iEARN since 2010 and has attended iEARN conferences in Canada, Taiwan, Brazil and Morocco. She has integrated global project based learning in her fourth grade and sixth grade classes in the United States. Laura has integrated many iEARN projects in her curriculum such as: My Hero, A Day in the Life, Global Food Show and Tell, and Water is Life. She was one of the facilitators for the BRIDGE (Building Respect through International Dialogue and Global Education) program. 

Session Details

Type: Roundtable

Location: Room 1101

Date: Thursday

Time: 2:00-3:20 PM

Session Description

An unconference is the opposite of a formal conference session. There is not predetermined agenda or content. The topics, knowledge sharing, engagement and overall experience are the responsibility of the participants. The purpose is to foster ideas, conversations and peer to peer learning among attendees. This session will begin with attendees identifying topics they would like to discuss and then breakout discussions form based on those topics. Come with a topic that you would like to discuss and an open mind!

What will educators learn and be able to do at the end of the session?

To share knowledge, resources, and best practices with one another.