
Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios at the iEARN Conference


Kelly Carey

Winchester Public Schools

I am currently an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT) for two elementary schools in Winchester, Virginia, United States.  Prior to this position, I served as an elementary school librarian for five years, a third grade teacher for five years, and a special education inclusion teacher for second and fifth grade. This is...Read Full Bio

Kelly Carey

I am currently an Instructional Technology Resource Teacher (ITRT) for two elementary schools in Winchester, Virginia, United States.  Prior to this position, I served as an elementary school librarian for five years, a third grade teacher for five years, and a special education inclusion teacher for second and fifth grade.

This is my first year using iEARN.  My students and I have enjoyed making connections with students from other countries, including China, Scotland, Russia, and Moldova. 

Session Details

Type: Tech/Innovation Lab

Location: Library

Date: Tuesday

Time: 3:00-3:50 PM

This session is associated with a UN SDG!

Session Description

This session will provide a brief introduction to Seesaw, including what it is and real-life examples of how it can be used in the classroom. Seesaw empowers students to independently document their learning with built-in creative tools, and provides an authentic audience for their work. Seesaw saves teachers time on organization and parent communication, makes formative assessment easy, and provides a safe place to teach 21st Century skills.

Link to Tool:

What will educators learn and be able to do at the end of the session?

  • Explain what Seesaw is.
  • Give examples of how Seesaw can be used in the classroom.

Session Resources

Tech Innovation Lab: Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios-Resource
This is a resource/handout for my session- Success with Seesaw. It provides an overview of Seesaw with helpful links included in the document.

Tech Innovation Lab: Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios-Website
This is the SeeSaw help website.

Tech Innovation Lab: Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios-Website
This is the the main Seesaw website. I will need access to the entire domain for Seesaw.

Tech Innovation Lab: Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios-Website
This is the Seesaw Website where students and teachers login

Tech Innovation Lab: Success with Seesaw: Digital Student Portfolios-Website
This is a YouTube video about Using SeeSaw in the Classroom.