Preserve Biodiversity at the Youth Summit
Santiago Adolfo Schweizer
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Santiago adolfo Schweizer
Santiago Adolfo is a 4th year high school student in Argentina.
Rocío María Cabrera
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Rocío maría Cabrera
Rocío María is a 4th year high school student from Argentina.
Fabrizzio Cerino Mazzaglia
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Fabrizzio cerino Mazzaglia
Fabrizzio Cerino is a 4th year high school student from Argentina.
Alfonsina Magno
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Alfonsina Magno
Alfonsina is a fourth year high school student from Argentina.
Fiamma Cressa
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Fiamma Cressa
Fiamma is a fourth year high school student from Argentina.
Abril Gonzalez
Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Abril Gonzalez
Abril is a fourth year high school student from Argentina.
Type: Ignite-Style Talk
Location: Room 1315
Date: Tuesday
Time: 12:00-12:30 PM
This session is associated with a UN SDG!
This session relates to the Atlas de la Diversidad iEARN Project!
Session Description
This project arises to inform and raise awareness among other individuals about the importance that conservation and the care of animal life represent in the preservation of biodiversity.
The topic emerges when we witnessed that some animals from our local community were victims of abuse by some institutions.
Our proposal is to encourage the rest of the population to become aware of the animals neglect in zoos and in other place.
What will youth learn and be able to do at the end of the session?
* To sensitize people.
* To help the animals.
* To contribute to the modification of the current state in which the animals are found in some zoos.
* To create a healthy environment so that animals and people can live together in a peaceful environment.