Introduction to iEARN Projects Workshop at the iEARN Conference
Ana Maria González
Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Ana maria González
Ana Ma. González has a Master Degree in Translation from Engish to Spanish from the Universidad Autónoma Nacional , UNA, as well as a Bachelor Degree in English from la Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR, and a diploma in Education from Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED.
She has been teaching English for the past 13 years at Nuestra Señora de Lourdes primary School, in Heredia, Costa Rica. Mrs. González h worked with Partners of the Americas (POA) I exchange programs to help students and adults in Costa Rica learn English and Spanish. In 2015 with the alliance between POA and iEARN she starts getting involved with the project “Tyguas Guardianes de las Aves”, which was led by Nury Penagos from Colombia. Currently both f them are facilitators of that project. Since that year she has been very interested in promoting different iEARN projects to make children know about the experiences they can live and share with others.
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Russell
As Director of Education, Jennifer provides expertise, leadership, and coordination in the development and promotion of iEARN-USA's virtual exchange program strategies, tools, and network. In this role, she designs projects, resources, trainings, and online courses for teachers and youth to increase their technology and cross-cultural collaboration skills. Prior to joining iEARN-USA, Jennifer was a Peace Corps volunteer in Albania and China where she was a teacher trainer and taught English as a foreign language at the primary and secondary level.
Type: Interactive Workshop
Location: Room 1103
Date: Monday
Time: 2:00-2:50 PM
Session Description
This session is for educators who are new iEARN members or interested in joining the network. In the workshop, we will explore iEARN’s model for collaboration - global project-based learning - and the platform, resources, and opportunities for participating in an exchange. Participants will learn how to find and select an iEARN project, identify partners and participate in an iEARN projects, and how to make the most of iEARN’s Collaboration Centre and other resources for connecting.
What will educators learn and be able to do at the end of the session?
This workshop will include:
- Introduction to iEARN and global project-based learning
- Overview of purpose and key activities of iEARN projects and the benefits and expectations for teacher and student participation
- Exploration of how to use online tools for connecting and collaborating online
- Project selection support and guided tour of the Collaboration Centre