Integration of iEARN Projects in Your Curriculum at the iEARN Conference
Laura Nietzer
Saddle River Day School
Laura has been a member of iEARN since 2010 and has attended iEARN conferences in Canada, Taiwan, Brazil and Morocco. She has integrated global project based learning in her fourth grade and sixth grade classes in the United States. Laura has integrated many iEARN projects in her curriculum such as: My Hero, A Day in the Life, Global...Read Full Bio
Laura Nietzer
Laura has been a member of iEARN since 2010 and has attended iEARN conferences in Canada, Taiwan, Brazil and Morocco. She has integrated global project based learning in her fourth grade and sixth grade classes in the United States. Laura has integrated many iEARN projects in her curriculum such as: My Hero, A Day in the Life, Global Food Show and Tell, and Water is Life. She was one of the facilitators for the BRIDGE (Building Respect through International Dialogue and Global Education) program.
Session Description
Join Laura for a roundtable discussion about the integration of iEARN projects in our class curriculum. What are the challenges and success stories? How do you access student learning? What projects do you presently participate in or are interested in that connect to the Sustainable Development Goals for the coming year? By sharing our experiences and collaborating, we can all find ways to authentically integrate iEARN project learning in our schools.
What will educators learn and be able to do at the end of the session?
The objective of this session is to have a conversation about how educators have been able to integrate iEARN projects in their curriculum. What have their successes been? What difficulties have they faced and how have they been overcome? How is project participation accessed? Participants will have the opportunity to network and share their contact information with others to continue their conversations or connect with each others classes.