iEARN Empowering Youth at the iEARN Conference
Session Description
The presenter will talk about the impact of iEARN projects, Kamla Nehru Public School India had on its students and teachers. The school joined iEARN in 2015, and about 30 teachers and 1100+ students took part in various iEARN projects/programs.
What will educators learn and be able to do at the end of the session?
SDGs are the Universal agenda to end poverty, save the planet and ensure prosperity for all. iEARN 2018 Conference is a wonderful platform to talk about the impotance of SDGs through Ignite Talk.
This Ignite is so inspiring that everyone wishes to join more and more iEARN projects. Educators will be so inspired that they register themselves for different projects aligned to the SDGs. They will be motivated to join iEARN webinars and virtual conferences so that they connect themselves to the outer world to contribute for Universal Sustainable Development. This Ignite will allow individual partners to reach their objectives by supporting other partners to achieve their own mandates. This is definitively a realistic and attainable agenda for change.
Additional Session Information
The presenter will talk about the impact of iEARN projects, Kamla Nehru Public School India had on its students and teachers. The school joined iEARN in 2015, and about 30 teachers and 1100+ students took part in various iEARN projects/programs. These are projects/programs are:
Projects completed till December 2017
- Envision My Ideal world
- Machinto- Hiroshima for peace (twice)
- Our Story Book
- My Hero: Call to Action LC (twice)
- Our Rivers Our world LC
- Places and Perspective LC (participated as facilitator)
- Special Places
- Early People Symbol
- Cultural Package Exchange
- Culture in a box LC
- Finding Solution to Hunger
- Global Issues- Environment LC
- Global Youth Service day
- My City and Me LC
Programs attended:
- GCD Global Collaboration Day 2016
- #StuTech2016
- iEARN Virtual Conference
Skypes conducted with iEARN family:
- Skype with Mr.Chole Richard, Uganda on 04.02.2016
- Skype with Ms.Yoko Takagi, Japan on 14.02.2016
- Skype with Ms.Ayton Bashirova and students, Azerbaijan on 14.04.2016
- Skype with Ms.Viny Tsao, Taiwan on 23.06.2016
- Skype with Ms. Yoko Takagi, Japan 19.12.2016
- Skype with Ms.Margaret Chen and students on 24.02.2018